Just as no two fingerprints are the same, neither are two eyes.
This is especially true with your cornea, the clear tissue where your contact lens sits. The cornea may look smooth and regular, but in fact it’s shape and texture are irregular.
Wave contact lenses are designed like no other lens. A special camera called a corneal topographer creates a topographic map that digitally describes your cornea with thousands of numbers. With Wave’s special design software, Dr. Garretson will use the data from the map to create a custom lens that follows almost every tiny curve and shape on your cornea. In the width of a hair, there may be as many as 10 distinct curves on the back of the lens. With so many curves, Wave lenses offer unrivaled comfort and sharper optics. Many unsuccessful contact lens wearers are successful Wave lens users. Why order off the shelf contact lenses when Wave can allow the design of a comfortable custom lens?
Wave Designs are available in single vision, bifocal, astigmatic, keratoconic, post-refractive surgery, and also for Overnight Corneal Reshaping (Orthokeratology).
Wave utilizes the combination of corneal topography along with sophisticated contact lens CAD/CAM software (computer aided design, computer aided manufacture) allowing Dr. Garretson to address vision problems associated with corneal irregularities. These irregularities can be caused by poor refractive surgery outcomes from LASIK, PRK, RK, and CK. People who have had a refractive surgery procedure may now be dealing with many different types of visual distortions. The symptoms can be blur, glare, ghosting, multiple images, poor contrast, halos, starbursts, spikes, etc. Another source of these irregularities can be corneal transplants, which will also result in very distorted vision. Trauma or infections can sometimes leave scars in the cornea also causing these irregularities. Certain degenerative conditions such as Keratoconus (KC) or Pellucid Marginal Degeneration (PMD) can cause very poor vision due to the unusual shape that the cornea assumes. All of these types of corneal conditions have traditionally been the most difficult group of conditions to properly restore ‘functional normal’ vision.
For the first time optical correction can be given to these very distorted corneas thus restoring good, clear, functional vision, to the individual. Using this type of tool is a revolutionary approach to manage these very unique problems. Instead of attempting to fit these very irregular corneas into contact lenses of preconceived designs and shapes, Dr. Garretson is now instead, starting with your eye, and letting it be the guide to the design and manufacture process. This is the first time in history that this type of technological foundation exists, allowing this type of precision design and manufacture.
Why wear “off the shelf” contact lenses? Your eyes deserve better. Call 248-241-6537 to experience Wave Lenses designed just as nature intended.